Friday, April 25, 2014

Weekly Notes - 1

Real estate: According to real estate honchos, India should grow at 8% (including environmental clearances), to grow economically and to create jobs. But for whom is this real estate growing? Not for the middle class or the poor. Definitely not. But a big yes for the filthy rich. Just see the apartments, duplexes, and penthouses on offer. They are just five-star luxury suites packaged for the rich in India. These are not the typical Indian homes that we all grew up and would want to live in. These Rs 6-10 cr luxury suites can be bought by the rich and those with black money. Or those who are willing to pawn their entire life to the bank and the real estate company.

In the early 90s, it was alleged that the IMF and World Bank would enslave all Indians and herald the second colonization of India after the British. Even the World Bank miscalculated the potential of Indian businessmen. And in the 90s, we said so many things. We don't remember most of them.

Youth: As a youth I also had different ideas and I wanted change. But I did not allow someone else to decide the "changes" for me. The changes I wanted were purely personal for me and I did not require anybody's approval.

When adults egg on the young for something, it is evident it is for the former's benefit, and not the latter's. Political parties have always used the youth to achieve their nefarious political and social goals. In contemporary India, the rise in number of young voters was seen as an opportunity for change. Someone created a theory all these youth votes will favour a party. It was a spin that failed to materialize. The voting percentage in Bangalore and Mumbai showed that you cannot use youth again and again as tools to achieve the adults' ends. The youth had other ideas.

Cinema: New movies are released on Fridays. It is like that in the US, so it can't be different in India. In India, movies are produced in about 30-odd languages. But for the trailer-trash news channels, there are only Bollywood movies and Hollywood movies. Others do not matter. Either Hindi and English. May be they don't have time for others and they also want to make things easy for us viewers.

Newspaper front pages - June 5

 Some images of front pages of newspapers after votes were counted on June 4, 2024 after a ridiculously long parliament elections.  Did the ...