Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Interesting links

Tips to circle text or object for emphasis in PowerPoint.
Which kind of technical writer are you?
Robohelp tutorials on You Tube.
More about Immersive Journalism.
HTML, CSS, and Java Script videos on Google.
How to avoid risks posed by tabbed browsing.
Adobe TV for technical communication.
Getting started in technical communication.
Things non-technical users do not understand about software.
Earth-Like Planet Can Sustain Life, says Discovery.
The Social Network: Ecosystem vs. Egosystem.
A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Afternoon Notes

Swinge - A verb meaning meaning thrash or punish.

Obama wants to keep them for all but the rich; the doves think they should be continued for everyone and the hawks say they should not only be abandoned but accompanied by swingeing tax rises..

The following terms impressed me very much:

Pluralia Tantum - A word meaning nouns that have only plural forms. Thanks to Richard Nordquist.

Singulare tantum - Nouns that appear in singular form only.

The following are extracts from an Prospect magazine article:

"...Psychoanalysis was born 113 years ago when Freud applied the term “psychical analysis” to his treatment of disturbed patients....CBT, now the NHS treatment of choice, was developed in the 1960s by American psychoanalyst, Aaron T Beck."

The End of Science (1996) is a book written by John Horgan, a staff writer for Scientific American.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Science News

1. Water molecules in Antarctic fish "dance a more ordered" dance due to the presence of anti-freeze proteins in their body, said a news report. The technique used to study this is called "terahertz spectroscopy".

Spectroscopy is a method by which an object's properties are studied by the way it disperses light passed through it. This is just like passing sunlight through a prism. When light is passed through a prism, it breaks into its constituent colours. By studying the constituent colours, scientists can know more about an object's properties.

Terahertz spectroscopy uses frequencies in the range of 0.3 THz to 10 THz. This frequency is invisible to the naked eye and can penetrate matter. In this study, Terahertz spectroscopy was used to study the interaction of water molecules with the anti-freeze proteins.

2. "...Universe was formed because of laws of physics and not divine intervention, " said acclaimed scientist, Stephen Hawking. He has added that the Universe was created spontaneously and the M-Theory would offer the best explanation for the creation of Universe.

Books Update - Nov 2022

 Writing a post after a long time.  The following books were too boring and were queued for exchange: 1. The Wall by John Lanchester 2. Warl...