Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I am not an expert in Sri Lankan politics and atrocities against Tamils in that country. But to succumb to threats by regional parties in protest against atrocities in a foreign country does not augur well for India's strategic relations with neighbours. This consistent pressure tactics threatening withdrawal of support to a coalition government creates instability and governance freeze at the top. Decisions are postponed and all energies and valuable time is wasted on fire-fighting and saving the government's numbers.

The UPA government has enough wisdom and expertise available to deal with this situation. But whether to dance to the tunes of regional satraps who hold the Damocles Sword of Support for issues that requires lots of diplomacy is an entirely different matter. I think the Indian prime minister should step in and announce India's position on this issue. In the meanwhile, if somebody wants to move away, let them be. There is a great honour in doing the right things before losing power. It is better than doing nothing good and concrete in an attempt to cling on to power.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Sehwag and Indian cricket

I always liked Test cricket batsmen who play aggressive cricket instead of those who are technically perfect. Sehwag has been one such batsman in the past. Recently, he has been a pale shadow of his past achievements. So, the decision to drop him was not a surprise for me.

A cricketer's individual records do not matter from the real perspective of the game. A cricketer's records shine more gloriously if it results in wins for his team. It is immature to keep on playing someone when records show a different story. So, poor form or lack of performance will result in only one thing. Today, it is  Sehwag. Tomorrow, it will be someone else.

Hope Sehwag comes back with a bang.

Newspaper front pages - June 5

 Some images of front pages of newspapers after votes were counted on June 4, 2024 after a ridiculously long parliament elections.  Did the ...